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Update hostname or domain name

To change the hostname or the DNS domain name of your IP Fabric machine from the CLI, please do the following:

  1. Connect to the IP Fabric appliance via SSH as the osadmin user.

  2. Run the sudo nimpee-net-config -n command to launch the network configuration wizard.

  3. Modify the hostname – the very first option:

    Enter the short hostname

    Valid Hostnames

    Valid characters for hostnames are ASCII letters from a to z, the digits from 0 to 9, and the hyphen (). A hostname may not start with a hyphen.

  4. Modify the DNS domain name – the second option:

    Enter the DNS domain name


    The IP Fabric Boot Wizard can modify other configuration items like Network Interface configuration, etc.

    To change only the hostname or DNS domain name, leave everything as is until you reach the Reboot system prompt screen.

  5. Select Yes to reboot the system:

    Reboot system