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LDAP Authentication

Only LDAP user authentication is supported. Users need to be assigned the appropriate permissions locally or default user permissions for authenticated users need to be set.

User synchronization or import capabilities are not supported at this time. LDAP hence work in an on-demand state - users are added to the IP Fabric after they log in for the first time.

Supported LDAP Servers Are:

  • Microsoft Active Directory
  • OpenLDAP

Enable LDAP Authentication

  1. Log in to the IP Fabric as a user with admin rights.
  2. Go to Settings → User Management → LDAP Settings tab.
  3. Select +Add Domain.
  4. Choose LDAP server type in the Type drop-down menu. Only Microsoft Active Directory or Open LDAP servers are supported.
  5. Enter all the aliases/suffixes for this domain in the Account suffixes field. Each suffix must begin with @. If the same user can log in with other suffixes, for example, and then fill in and
  6. Add servers for the domain:
    1. as an explicit list of addresses
      1. Choose Use pre-configured LDAP servers in Servers dropdown
      2. Specify FQDN or IP address of the LDAP server including the protocol prefix (such as ldap:// or ldaps://
      3. Specify the port (default LDAP port is 389 and default LDAPS port is 636)
      4. For LDAP over SSL, also upload a CA certificate used for the LDAP certificate signature
      5. Click on +Add Server if you want to add backup servers
    2. using DNS service records
      1. Choose Use DNS to find LDAP servers in Servers dropdown
      2. Choose/upload a certificate (recommended in the production environment)
      3. Define the DNS address
      4. Define Service location name (common names are ldap and ldaps). This is the network service that constructs the final name of the record. The construction is done as follows: \_{{service location name}}.\_tcp.{{dns address}}
  7. Specify service account with LDAP read permissions in the Bind DN field. This field must be an escaped LDAP-style distinguished name. (for example CN=Doe\, Joe,OU=europe,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=com or CN=User,OU=europe,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=com)
  8. Enter the bind user's password (defined in step 7) in the Bind credentials field.
  9. Enter a whole domain or specific organization unit (container) in Search base to specify where users and groups can be found in the LDAP tree. (for example OU=NetworkAdmins,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=com)
  10. Enter an attribute where email is stored in the LDAP user object into Search email attribute.
  11. Only for Microsoft Active Directory: Tick Allow nested groups for nested group permission lookup. This uses Extensible Match Rule (LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN) which might be slow in your local setup.
  12. Click Confirm.

If the LDAP server is not reachable or credentials to the service account are not correct, LDAP authentication cannot be set.

LDAP Group Permissions

After the LDAP server is added, default permissions for authenticated users can be set. By default, all permissions are denied. This means that a user even with the correct LDAP username and password won't be able to log in since he/she won't even have read-only permission. It is recommended to create new LDAP groups (such as IP_FABRIC_ADMINISTRATORS, IP_FABRIC_USERS, ...) and assign to them users to which you want to grand access.

Primary user groups are not supported

It is recommended to create new LDAP groups (such as IP_FABRIC_ADMINISTRATORS, IP_FABRIC_USERS, ...) and assign them permissions.


Disable LDAP Authentication

Remove all LDAP configuration domains in Settings → User Management → LDAP Settings to disable LDAP authentication.

Local vs LDAP Authentication

By default, local authentication (or in other words information stored in the local database) is the preferred authentication method, where LDAP is used as a backup authentication method.

If a user is not found in the local database and LDAP authentication is defined, IP Fabric will redirect the authentication attempt to an LDAP server.

If a user is successfully authenticated through LDAP, basic information about this user is then passed from LDAP and stored in the local database.


Before contacting our support, please make sure that inputs entered into IP Fabric user interface are correct. This can be done using ldapsearch command utility:

ldapsearch is present in IP Fabric image (access it via ssh) or it can be installed locally as part of ldap-utils Linux package. It is recommended to always test LDAP configuration from the IP Fabric image

CLI Example

The following example doesn’t verify SSL certificate if LDAPS is used

  -W -H "ldaps://your-ldap-server:636" \
  -D "$LDAP_BIND_DN" \
  -s sub

Your fields are correctly set when exit-code of your command is zero.

The use of nested groups can also be tested by adding the following line to the CLI example:


The CLI example can be followed by a query. Useful LDAP queries to find a user follow:


Error Codes

All LDAP errors regarding server connection and user binding are returned as LDAP as provided is not reachable due to security concerns.

Please check your Search base and Search login attribute when LDAP Search Failed error is shown.