Known Affected platforms: All
Description: Meraki API has limited functionality and doesn’t provide all necessary data for our model. Following issues are known:
- Multiple Meraki devices can have the same public IP
- CDP/LLDP might be not linked between devices correctly as reported port ID doesn’t allow it
- CDP/LLDP timespan is 2h, so it might not show actual state
- ARP is missing, MAC table is reconstructed from endpoints
- DHCP/STATIC doesn’t provide IP mask
- STP is missing
- Routing table static routes only for Firewalls
- Pathlookup is not working because tables for forwarding are not all provided
- Can't add Meraki device into snapshot (refresh works)
- Limited snapshot - Meraki tasks will be always downloaded
- MX firewall uplink ports - not possible to determine if traffic load balancing is enabled and/or which port is primary and backup
- Multiple Meraki devices can have the same public IP
Following issues will be resolved in future IP Fabric releases:
- Can't add Meraki device into snapshot (refresh works)
- Mini snapshot - Meraki will be always downloaded
- All discovered devices from Meraki are licensed (no matter if it's Meraki AP)