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LLRN 4.3.3

These are low-level release notes for IP Fabric release 4.3.3. Please note, that this page contains very low-level information about the actual release, which can lead to false conclusions if you don't have access to the tickets. On the other hand we believe, that it can provide a valuable information, if you are looking for particular detail. This release of IP Fabric contains total of 4 issues. And was internally released on 2022-02-23.


Anything what we considered an incorrect behavior. Something what was not working as intended or turned out that does not meet customers demand.

  • NIM-7304 -- Highest – Snapshot loading - data preparation takes too long
  • NIM-7308 -- Highest – By adjusting Snapshot settings, we overwrite Global settings
  • NIM-7309 -- Highest – Tasker finish fail
  • NIM-7314 -- Highest – Migration fails on "Cannot read property 'map' of undefined" when upgrading to 4.3.2+2