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How to add Custom SSL Certificate

If a custom SSL certificate for HTTPS traffic (IP Fabric main GUI) is required, follow this guide to change the certificate manually:

  1. Make a backup of your previous server certificate and key:

    mv /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt /etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt.bkp
    mv /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key /etc/nginx/ssl/server.key.bkp
  2. Upload new certificate chain and private key to the /etc/nginx/ssl/ folder

    1. It has to have the same name server.crt and server.key
    2. server.crt file needs to contain a new SSL certificate and full certificate chain in PEM format
    3. server.key file needs to contain server certificate’s private key in decrypted PEM format
  3. The certificate chain in server.crt must have the following sequence:

    1. Server Certificate
    2. Intermediate Certificate(s)
    3. Root Certificate
  4. Make sure that files have correct owner and group root:autoboss

    1. Make sure your current working directory is /etc/nginx/ssl you can use pwd command to be sure, if you’re somewhere else then use this command:
      cd /etc/nginx/ssl
    2. You can check the owner of the files with ls -l command
    3. If current owner and group are root:root then execute following command:
      chown root:autoboss server.crt server.key
    4. Check if the MD5 hashes for the server.crt and server.key files are the same:


    root@ipfabric:/etc/nginx/ssl# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.crt | openssl md5
    (stdin)= 9dcfd46578b9dffe06ca0146607f6153
    root@ipfabric:/etc/nginx/ssl# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key | openssl md5
    (stdin)= 9dcfd46578b9dffe06ca0146607f6153


    Do not proceed with the next steps if the MD5 hashes don’t match!

  5. Restart nginx with the following command:

    systemctl restart nginx
  6. Check if nginx runs correctly with:

    systemctl status nginx