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The majority of requests to the IP Fabric platform need to be authenticated. We provide multiple authentication methods, which differ from each other. Please review all of them before committing to any.

API Token

API token needs to be passed as a request header. Please see API Tokens on how to create an API token in the UI.

  • Allows for limiting the scope of API calls. This allows for giving fewer rights than the account creating the token has.
  • Long-lived static token (secure storage is important).
Content-Type: application/json

Basic Authentication

Using basic authentication requires Base64 encoding username:password and passing that into the Authorization header.

  • The call will always have the same rights as the user account. This may not be necessary for many use-cases.
  • In case this approach is use, we highly encourage the creation of a “bot”/”service” user account with a limited access scope.
  • Another form of long-lived static token / authentication details (secure storage is important).
osadmin@ipfabric:~$ echo -n "username:password" | base64
osadmin@ipfabric:~$ curl -X GET '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ='

Token Authentication

Token authentication allows the exchange of username and password for a pair of tokens – access and refresh. The exchange is facilitated via the login endpoint. The access token is then passed to the consecutive API calls in the Authorization header.

  • The call will always have the same rights as the user account. This may not be necessary for many use-cases.
  • In case this approach is used, we highly encourage creation of a “bot”/”service” user account with a limited access scope.
  • Storage of the refresh token is important as it allows maintaining long-term access.

Types of Tokens

Access Token

An access token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) as per RFC-7519, signed using SHA-256 with RSA encryption. The token expires in 30 minutes since being generated, and it can’t be revoked during its lifetime.

What is inside an access token?

An access token is a JWT consisting of three parts separated by dots – Header, Payload, and Signature. You don’t need to parse any of these fields. For inspecting the content of the JWT, you can use You will not be able to verify its validity as you don’t have access to the signing key.

The payload contains an object with the following fields:

  • id – User ID.
  • exp – Token expiration time (in seconds since Unix epoch).
  • iat – Token issued time (in seconds since Unix epoch).
  • scope – Array of strings representing granted user access.
  • username – String containing the username of the user.
  • isAdmin – A Boolean value whether the user is an admin.
  • aud – String containing the recipient for which the JWT is intended.
  • iss – String containing the issuer of the JWT.
Refresh Token

A refresh token is a token that can be used to obtain a renewed access token. It can be requested for new access tokens until the refresh token is used, revoked, or expired.

A refresh token expires 24 hours after not being used for the generation of a new access token. Refresh tokens must be stored securely by an application as it creates a new access token and allows access to the system.

Starting in IP Fabric version 6.1.0, the refreshToken is rotated after every use, and a new one is issued.

Token API


The token API is designed for secure usage with the IP Fabric frontend in web browsers. The tokens are present only in headers as secure HTTP-only cookies and do not appear anywhere in the response body, providing protection against XSS attacks.


To log in and obtain an access token and a refresh token, see the curl example below:

curl -D - -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"username":"<USERNAME>","password":"<PASSWORD>"}'

This returns an HTTP response with accessToken and refreshToken cookies:

set-cookie: accessToken=eyJhbGc....; Max-Age=1800; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:17:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict
set-cookie: refreshToken=w2PJG2hA.....12830361114; Max-Age=86400; Path=/api/auth/token; Expires=Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:47:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict

Using accessToken

The accessToken is then placed in the Authorization header as seen below. Please ensure it is formatted as Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>.

curl -X GET '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGc...'

Using refreshToken

To create a new accessToken from the refreshToken:

curl -D - -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{"refreshToken":"YvnTNW..."}'

which then returns a new accessToken to use in subsequent calls and a new refreshToken to use for requesting the next accessToken:

set-cookie: accessToken=eyJhbGc....; Max-Age=1800; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:17:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict
set-cookie: refreshToken=w2PJG2hA.....12830361114; Max-Age=86400; Path=/api/auth/token; Expires=Fri, 07 Jun 2024 11:47:09 GMT; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict

Starting with version 7.0, you can no longer reach token endpoints with the specified API version: <API_VERSION>/auth/token. Use auth/token instead.


To log out of IP Fabric:

curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGc...'

Changing Default Token Expiration

The default token expiration is as follows:

  • accessToken – 30 minutes (1800 seconds)
  • refreshToken – 24 hours (86400 seconds)

Many company standards require shorter expiration times, and this can be accomplished via the CLI settings.


Any action on the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the root, osadmin, or autoboss account may cause irreversible, detrimental changes to the product. Actions taken without direct communication with the IP Fabric Support or Solution Architect teams can render the system unusable.

  1. Log in to the IP Fabric CLI as osadmin.
  2. Elevate to root using sudo -s and osadmin password.
  3. Create a new file /opt/ipf-api/conf.d/api.json or extend the existing one with the below JSON. In this example, the accessToken expires in 10 minutes, and the refreshToken expires in 15 minutes:

      "app": {
        "accessToken": {
          "expiresIn": 600
        "refreshToken": {
          "expiresIn": 900,
          "length": 80
  4. Change file permissions: chmod 644 /opt/ipf-api/conf.d/api.json

  5. Restart the API: systemctl restart ipf-api.service

Disabling Local Authentication

In case you don’t want to use local authentication (username/password) and want to log in only via SSO or LDAP, you can disable it via the CLI settings (both token and basic authentication will be disabled). Please note that API Tokens will still work.


Any action on the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the root, osadmin, or autoboss account may cause irreversible, detrimental changes to the product. Actions taken without direct communication with the IP Fabric Support or Solution Architect teams can render the system unusable.

  1. Log in to the IP Fabric CLI as osadmin.
  2. Elevate to root using sudo -s and osadmin password.
  3. Create a new file /opt/ipf-api/conf.d/api.json or extend the existing one with the below JSON:

      "app": {
        "enableLocalAuthentication": false
  4. Change file permissions: chmod 644 /opt/ipf-api/conf.d/api.json

  5. Restart the API: systemctl restart ipf-api.service

Token Errors

When an error is encountered, the API returns an object with a machine-readable error code and a human-readable error message in the response body:

  "message": "Expired API Token"
Code Message
API_EXPIRED_API_TOKEN The provided API key expired.
API_INVALID_API_TOKEN The provided API key doesn’t exist. It was removed, or it never existed.
API_EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN The provided access token (from the Authorization header) is expired.
API_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN The provided access token (from the Authorization header) is invalid.
API_INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN The provided refresh token (typically sent in the request body) is revoked (blacklisted) or expired.