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Single Sign-On (SSO)

Outdated SSO user records in IP Fabric might cause login issues

With SSO configured, each sign-in of a new user into IP Fabric via SSO will create a new (non-local) user record in Settings → Administration → Local Users – with the user’s current username and email from the Identity Provider (IdP).

If the user’s username or email change on the IdP side, the user will encounter Authentication Failure while logging in to IP Fabric via SSO – due to username/email mismatch between the IdP and IP Fabric.

In that case, please remove the outdated user record of that user in Settings → Administration → Local Users.

IP Fabric includes support for single sign-on. We have opted for Dex (A Federated OpenID Connect Provider) as a key building block to allow a broader set of Identity Providers (IdP).

  IPF->>IPF: User selects SSO on the IPF login screen.
  IPF->>Dex: Redirect after starting SSO auth.
  Dex->>IdP: Dex redirects to selected and cofigured IdP.
  IdP->>IdP: User authenticates, provides MFA etc.
  IdP->>Dex: User is redirected back to Dex with code.
  Dex->>IdP: Dex fetches token from IdP.
  Dex->>IPF: Dex redirects the user back to IPF with code.
  IPF->>Dex: IPF fetches token from Dex.

Complex Configuration

Implementation of SSO configuration can be complex, and because of that, it is recommended to be configured for you by our Solution Architects. If you are unsure who your Solution Architect is, please contact our Support Team.



Prior to configuring SSO, the IP Fabric server must not be using a self-signed certificate. To create a new signed TLS certificate, please see the instructions located at IPF Certificates.

Private Certificate Authority (CA)

IP Fabric only trusts certificates issued by CAs listed in the system openssl trust-store. If your company uses certificates signed by an internal CA, please reach out to your Solution Architect or open a Support ticket for further configuration in order to properly enable SSO.

CLI Access

In order to make changes to certain files, you must have access to the osadmin account to log in to the CLI and gain root access. For more information, please see CLI Overview.

justin@ubuntu:~$ ssh
osadmin@demo:~$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for osadmin:

API Configuration api.json

The IP Fabric API configuration is stored in /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json. This file needs to be created during the first configuration as it does not exist in the default image. It will also be persistent during upgrades and will not be changed. Below is a full example of the api.json config file:

  "app": {
    "url": "https://<FQDN>/api"
  "web": {
    "url": "https://<FQDN>"
  "dex": {
    "url": "https://<FQDN>/dex",
    "providers": [
        "name": "sso",
        "clientId": "ipfabric",
        "clientSecret": "<RANDOM_SECRET>",
        "roleAssignments": [
            "groupName": "any",
            "roleId": null
            "groupName": "admin",
            "roleId": "admin"
            "groupName": "read",
            "roleId": "2356575453"
            "groupName": "read-only-users",
            "roleName": "read-only-users"


In IP Fabric version 6.1.0, the ability to use roleName in the SSO configuration was added. It is recommended to switch from using roleId to roleName for consistency and human readability.

JSON Validation

The example below is a malformed JSON due to the comma after app.url:

  "app": {
    "url": "",
  "web": {
    "url": ""
  "dex": {
    "url": "",
    "providers": []

Using the jq command, it is easy to discover JSON errors instead of searching through log files or journalctl output.

root@demo:~$ jq . /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json
parse error: Expected another key-value pair at line 4, column 3

You can reformat and prettify the JSON file by running:

echo "$(jq < /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json)" > /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json

URL Configuration

Inside the app, web and dex sections, the url fields need to be updated with the FQDN of the IP Fabric system.

dex.url must match the ipf-dex.yaml issuer URL.


  "app": {
    "url": ""
  "web": {
    "url": ""
  "dex": {
    "url": ""

Providers Configuration

The providers section has to contain at least one SSO provider (which corresponds to staticClient in the Dex configuration).

  "dex": {
    "providers": [
        "name": "sso",
        "clientId": "ipfabric",
        "clientSecret": "jqv-W_khLSwJdJMHCjhJefyu-QdeXq9kcz8sAfMrO1Q",
        "roleAssignments": [
            "groupName": "any",
            "roleId": null
            "groupName": "admin",
            "roleId": "admin"
            "groupName": "read",
            "roleId": "2356575453"
            "groupName": "read-only-users",
            "roleName": "read-only-users"
  • name – User-defined name of the Identity Provider (IdP) displayed in the GUI.
    • Can only contain a-z0-9_. Do not use uppercase.
    • Used in ipf-dex.yaml for redirectURIs under staticClients.
    • This name will be displayed on the login page of the GUI. This name will be capitalized (ssoSso), therefore it is recommended to use names such as azure or okta.
    • SSO Button
  • clientId – User-defined value (suggested to keep ipfabric).
  • clientSecret – User-defined value for a shared secret between IP Fabric and Dex only.
    • Can be randomly created for instance using Python: python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
    • Used in ipf-dex.yaml for secret under staticClients.
  • roleAssignments – An array of objects.
    • Objects are in the format of {groupName: string, roleId?: string|null, roleName?: string|null }
      • groupName – The name of the group that is configured on the SSO side.
        • any will provide access to any user by default.
        • Multiple mappings with the same groupName will get merged (so the user will receive all corresponding roles on the IP Fabric side).
      • roleId – The ID of the IP Fabric role.
        • A value of null will provide no access.
        • Either roleId or roleName property must be specified, not both.
        • Please do not confuse roleId with roleName as these are different values. roleId must be retrieved using the browser Developer Tools or using the API (example below).
      • roleName – The name of the IP Fabric role.
        • A value of null will provide no access.
        • Either roleName or roleId property must be specified, not both.
        • Since version 6.1, you can opt to only use roleName instead of roleId in your configuration.
        • Since version 6.3, roleName can only contain a-zA-Z0-9_-. Previously created roles will be automatically modified by removing not-allowed characters from role name according to the new validation rules. Make sure specified roleName refers to the existing role in the system.

Example how to find roleId:

Role ID

SSO Configuration ipf-dex.yaml

While Dex supports various connectors, we strongly recommend using OpenID Connect (OIDC) for SSO integration (Azure uses a special microsoft connector and an example is provided below along with SAML). Please check the official Dex documentation for their overview.

Dex configuration is located in /etc/ipf-dex.yaml on the IP Fabric appliance. It has several configuration sections and a full example of the file is located below. Please note that OIDC, SAML, and Azure have different syntaxes for the connectors configuration portion, which are covered separately.

# /etc/ipf-dex.yaml
# example config in both devOps/etc/ipf-dex.yaml and devOps-install/install/ipf-dex.yaml
issuer: https://<FQDN>/dex

  - id: ipfabric
      - "https://<FQDN>/api/<API_VERSION>/auth/external/<API-DEX-PROVIDERS-NAME>"
    name: IP Fabric
    secret: <RANDOM_SECRET>

  type: memory

  level: debug




  skipApprovalScreen: true

  - type: oidc
    id: sso_oidc
    name: SSO OIDC
      issuer: <SSO_ISSUER>
      redirectURI: https://<FQDN>/dex/callback
      clientID: <SSO_CLIENT_ID>
      clientSecret: <SSO_CLIENT_SECRET>
      getUserInfo: true
      insecureEnableGroups: true
        - openid
        - profile
        - email
        - groups

Keep Default Values

The following lines should be left to the default values:


  level: debug





Dex configuration has at the very top an attribute called issuer. This needs to be configured to be equal to the url under dex in api.json.

For example:


Skip Approval Screen

The following lines of the configuration control if you would like a Grant Access screen to be presented to your users on every login. By setting it to true, the message below won’t be displayed.

  skipApprovalScreen: true

Grant Access

Static Clients

The staticClients section contains the configuration for the IP Fabric portal which acts as a client to dex.

  - id: ipfabric
      - ""
    name: IP Fabric
    secret: jqv-W_khLSwJdJMHCjhJefyu-QdeXq9kcz8sAfMrO1Q
  • id – Unique ID of the client within the Dex configuration.
    • Found in api.json for clientId under providers.
  • redirectURIs – Full path to the callback endpoint of the IP Fabric client.
    • It is in the format of https://<FQDN>/api/<API_VERSION>/auth/external/<API-DEX-PROVIDERS-NAME>
    • API-DEX-PROVIDERS-NAME is found in api.json for name under providers.
      • Can only contain a-z0-9_. Do not use uppercase.
    • Please be aware of the API_VERSION property.
      • Needs to be updated with every IPF release (i.e. after IP Fabric is upgraded to v6.1, leaving the URL at v6.0 will no longer work).
      • Unlike other API calls, this has to be set with v{major}.{minor} and cannot use v{major} (i.e. /api/v6/auth will not work, it must be /api/v6.0/auth).
      • This will require manual changes when going from v6.0v6.1v6.2.
  • name – Arbitrary name of the client.
  • secret – User-defined secret.
    • Found in api.json for clientSecret under providers.
    • It is a shared secret between IP Fabric and Dex only.

Config File Mapping

Here is a nice illustration of how the /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json values map to /etc/ipf-dex.yaml:

JSON yaml mapping

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Please review the Dex documentation on OIDC for all configuration options and potential caveats.

Well-known Configuration

Many of the variables required can be found in the OIDC well-known configuration endpoint. For example take a look at Google: .well-known/openid-configuration.

  - type: oidc
    id: sso_oidc
    name: SSO OIDC
      issuer: <SSO_ISSUER>
      redirectURI: https://<FQDN>/dex/callback
      clientID: <SSO_CLIENT_ID>
      clientSecret: <SSO_CLIENT_SECRET>
      getUserInfo: true
      insecureEnableGroups: true
        - openid
        - profile
        - email
        - groups
        groups: roles
  • type – Dex connector type.
  • id – User-defined arbitrary ID (not used anywhere).
  • name – User-defined arbitrary name (not used anywhere).
  • redirectURIissuer URL with /callback appended.
  • getUserInfo – When enabled, the OpenID Connector will query the UserInfo endpoint for additional claims.
  • insecureEnableGroups – Groups claims only refresh when the id token is refreshed, meaning the regular refresh flow doesn’t update the groups claim. As such, by default the OIDC connector doesn’t allow groups claims. If you are okay with having potentially stale group claims, you can use this option to enable groups claims through the OIDC connector on a per-connector basis.
  • clientID – A client ID configured or generated on the Identity Provider.
  • clientSecret – A client secret configured or generated on the Identity Provider.
  • scopes – A list of scopes to be returned from the Identity Provider.
    • The ones listed above are the most common. However, these can differ from provider to provider.
    • Scopes are normally found in .well-known/openid-configuration which is discussed in the OIDC section.
  • claimMapping – Some providers return non-standard claims (i.e. roles), use claimMapping to map those claims to standard claims.



Please review the Dex documentation on Azure for all configuration options and potential caveats as Azure requires special configuration for proper enablement.

Dex Config

  - type: microsoft
    id: sso_azure
    name: SSO Azure
      clientID: <SSO_CLIENT_ID>
      clientSecret: <SSO_CLIENT_SECRET>
      redirectURI: https://<FQDN>/dex/callback
      tenant: <TENANT_ID>
        - openid
        - profile
        - email
        groups: roles
  • type – Dex connector type.
  • id – User-defined arbitrary ID (not used anywhere).
  • name – User-defined arbitrary name (not used anywhere).
  • redirectURIissuer URL with /callback appended.
  • tenant – UUID or Name of specific tenant accounts belong to.
    • Required in order to obtain groups claim from Azure.
  • clientID – A client ID configured or generated on the Identity Provider.
  • clientSecret – A client secret configured or generated on the Identity Provider.
  • scopes – A list of scopes to be returned from the Identity Provider.
    • The ones listed above are the most common. However, these can differ from provider to provider.
    • Scopes are normally found in .well-known/openid-configuration which is discussed in the OIDC section.
  • claimMapping – Some providers return non-standard claims (i.e. roles), use claimMapping to map those claims to standard claims.

Azure AD App Registration Auth using OIDC

  1. From the Azure Active Directory > App registrations menu, choose + New registration
  2. Enter a Name for the application (e.g. IP Fabric SSO).
  3. Specify who can use the application (e.g. Accounts in this organizational directory only).
  4. Enter Redirect URI (optional) as follows (replacing IP_FABRIC_FQDN with your IP Fabric URL), then choose Add.
    • Platform: Web
    • Redirect URI: https://<IP_FABRIC_FQDN>/dex/callback
  5. When registration finishes, the Azure portal displays the app registration’s Overview pane. You see the Application (client) ID. Azure App registration's Overview
  6. From the Certificates & secrets menu, choose + New client secret
  7. Enter a Name for the secret (e.g. clientSecret). Make sure to copy and save generated value for the clientSecret. Azure App registration's Secret
  8. From the API permissions menu, choose + Add a permission
  9. Find User.Read permission (under Microsoft Graph) and grant it to the created application: Azure AD API permissions
  10. From the Token Configuration menu, choose + Add groups claim Azure AD token configuration
    1. All groups: Emits security groups and distribution lists and roles.
    2. Security groups: Emits security groups that the user is a member of in the groups claim.
    3. Directory roles: If the user is assigned directory roles, they’re emitted as a wids claim. (The group’s claim won’t be emitted.)
    4. Groups assigned to the application: Emits only the groups that are explicitly assigned to the application and that the user is a member of. Recommended for large organizations due to the group number limit in token.
      1. From the Azure Active Directory > Enterprise applications menu, search the App that you created (e.g. IP Fabric SSO).
      2. From the Users and groups menu of the app, add any users or groups requiring access to the service.

SAML Connector

Please review the Dex documentation on SAML for all configuration options and potential caveats.

  - type: saml
    id: sso_saml
    name: SSO SAML
      ssoURL: <SSO_URL>
      ssoIssuer: <SSO_ISSUER>
      redirectURI: https://<FQDN>/dex/callback
      caData: "LS0t ... 0tLS0tCg=="
      # ca: /path/to/file
      usernameAttr: name
      emailAttr: email
      groupsAttr: groups
      nameIDPolicyFormat: emailAddress
  • type – Dex connector type.
  • id – User-defined arbitrary ID (not used anywhere).
  • name – User-defined arbitrary name (not used anywhere).
  • redirectURIissuer URL with /callback appended.
  • ssoURL – SSO URL used for POST value.
  • ssoIssuer – Optional: Issuer value expected in the SAML response.
  • Pick and use one option to validate the signature of the SAML response:
    • caData – Base64 encoded certification chain.
    • ca – File location of containing certification chain.
  • usernameAttr – Maps SAML name value to IP Fabric’s username.
  • emailAttr – Maps SAML email value to IP Fabric’s email.
  • groupsAttr – Maps SAML groups value to IP Fabric’s groupName.
  • nameIDPolicyFormat – The connector uses the value of the NameID element as the user’s unique identifier which Dex assumes is both unique and never-changing. Use nameIDPolicyFormat to ensure this is set to a value which satisfies these requirements.

YAML Validation

While the validity of the actual configuration is determined by Dex itself, it can be handy to verify parsing of the configuration YAML. You can use the following to get a JSON representation of /etc/ipf-dex.yaml:

python3 -c 'import sys, yaml, json; y=yaml.safe_load(; print(json.dumps(y))' < /etc/ipf-dex.yaml  | jq .
Correct YAML

Let’s assume the following YAML fragment as an input:

  - type: microsoft
    id: sso_azure
        - openid
        - profile
        - email
        - groups

The output of the command will be:

  "connectors": [
      "type": "microsoft",
      "id": "sso_azure",
      "config": {
        "scopes": [

As you can see, scopes has been correctly parsed as a list.

Incorrect YAML

Let’s assume the following YAML fragment as an input:

  - type: microsoft
    id: sso_azure
      - openid
        - profile
        - email
        - groups

The output of the command will be:

  "connectors": [
      "type": "microsoft",
      "id": "sso_azure",
      "config": {
        "scopes": [
          "openid - profile - email - groups"

As you can see, scopes has been completely incorrectly parsed as a multiline string.

Restarting Services

After making changes to /opt/nimpee/conf.d/api.json, it is required to restart the API service:

systemctl restart nimpee-api.service

Consequently, after making changes to /etc/ipf-dex.yaml, the Dex service needs to be restarted:

systemctl restart ipf-dex.service