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Snapshot Table

In IP Fabric 4.3.0 a new method for retrieving Snapshot information has been added. This is a POST method to tables/management/snapshots which allows for filtering based on columns.


Name Type Description
id str Snapshot ID
status str done - Loaded
unloaded - Unloaded
ready - The snapshot record was created, discovery process not started yet
run - Discovery or Snapshot Load in progress
finishing - Almost done, Tasker creating Topology and other calculations like site separation
error - Errored
finishStatus str done - Done
error - Errored
‘’ - Other
loading bool true if the snapshot is currently loading.
loadedSize int Size of snapshot when loaded
unloadedSize int Size of snapshot when unloaded
isLastSnapshot bool True if it is the last loaded snapshot ($last)
name str Snapshot name or empty string
note str Snapshot note or empty string
sites list List of Site Names
fromArchive bool true if snapshot was loaded from a file
locked bool true if snapshot is locked
totalDevCount int Number of total devices (licensed and unlicensed)
deviceAddedCount int Number of devices added since the previous snapshot
deviceRemovedCount int Number of devices removed since the previous snapshot
interfaceCount int Number of interfaces
Inventory > Interfaces
interfaceActiveCount int Number of Active Interface
Inventory > Interfaces [Filter L2 State=up]
interfaceEdgeCount int Number of Edge interfaces
Technology > Interfaces > Switchport [Filter Edge=yes]
userCount int Number of hosts
Inventory > Hosts
tsStart int Timestamp in milliseconds when the snapshot started
tsEnd int Timestamp in milliseconds when the snapshot completed
tsChange int Timestamp in milliseconds when the snapshot was last changed
creatorUsername str Username who created the Snapshot (New in 6.3.0)

v4.3.0 Examples

Get ($last)

  "columns": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "isLastSnapshot": ["eq", true]

Get Valid Snapshots Newest to Oldest

  "columns": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "finishStatus": ["neq", "error"]
  "sort": {
    "order": "desc",
    "column": "tsEnd"

Get Loaded Snapshots Newest to Oldest

  "columns": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "status": ["eq", "done"]
        "finishStatus": ["eq", "done"]
  "sort": {
    "order": "desc",
    "column": "tsEnd"

Get Locked Snapshots Oldest to Newest

  "columns": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "locked": ["eq", true]
  "sort": {
    "order": "asc",
    "column": "tsEnd"

Get Running Snapshot

  "columns": [
  "filters": {
    "and": [
        "tsEnd": ["empty", true]