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Troubleshooting Vague Messages

IP Fabric error messages are not always eloquent and vague ones like Invalid Input can be displayed:

Invalid Input

If you do not know what exactly went wrong, you can get more descriptive messages from API responses received in the background.

These messages can be found in the developer console of your browser.

In your browser, press F12 or click the hamburger menu in the top-right corner and go to More tools → Web Developer Tools. Something similar should appear:

Web Developer Tools in Firefox


The console may look differently in your browser, but the functionality and tabs should be the same. This example is from Mozilla Firefox.

Go to the Network tab and repeat the action which raised the error message, API calls should appear in the tab.

After clicking a response from IP Fabric with an error code (usually the ones in red color), go to the Response tab and in the errors section, you should find an explanation why the Invalid Input message appeared:

Response tab


In our example, the error message was thrown because restricted characters were present in the jumphost’s Password field:

Jumphost example