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Multicast Path Lookup

Request Parameters

  • parameters [mandatory] - A nested JSON data structure with keys
    • type [mandatory] - A quoted string with a value of pathLookup for an E2E path simulation output
    • pathLookupType [mandatory] - A quoted string containing the word multicast
    • protocol [mandatory] - A quoted string with a value of tcp, udp, icmp
    • source [mandatory] - A quoted string containing the source IP address
    • group [mandatory] - A quoted string containing the group IP address
    • receiver [optional] - A quoted string containing the receiver’s IP address
    • groupBy [mandatory] - A quoted string representing the grouping of devices in the output - at this time one of siteName, routingDomain or stpDomain
    • securedPath [mandatory] - A boolean - when you run a path simulation, you can tell IP Fabric if you want to stop when it hits a security policy which blocks the traffic in question (true) or complete the forwarding path and simply highlight the policy enforcement point (false)
    • ttl [mandatory] - integer - Time-to-live value (default is 128)
    • fragmentOffset [mandatory] - integer - Fragment offset value (default is 0)
    • enableRegions [mandatory] - boolean - (default false)
    • srcRegions [mandatory] - string - (default .\*)
    • dstRegions [mandatory] - string - (default .\*)
    • otherOptions [mandatory] - nested JSON data
      • applications [mandatory] - string - (default .\*)
      • tracked [mandatory] - boolean - (default false)
    • firstHopAlgorithm [mandatory] - nested JSON data
      • type [mandatory] - Either automatic or userDefined
      • vrf [Optional and if type == automatic]
      • entryPoints [mandatory] - if type == userDefined it is nested array of JSON data
        • hostname [mandatory] - Hostname string
        • sn [mandatory] - IP Fabric Unique Serial Number string
        • iface [mandatory] - Interface name
    • l4Options [mandatory] - nested JSON data
      • If protocol is tcp
        • srcPorts [mandatory] - A string representing ports; ex. 80,443,1025-4096
        • dstPorts [mandatory] - A string representing ports; ex. 80,443,1025-4096
        • flags [mandatory] - An array of TCP flags to be set in the simulated path or empty array
          • Valid flags: [ack, fin, psh, rst, syn, urg]
      • If protocol is udp
        • srcPorts [mandatory] - A string representing ports; ex. 80,443,1025-4096
        • dstPorts [mandatory] - An integer representing the destination port
      • If protocol is icmp refer to: Path Lookup ICMP Decoder
        • type [mandatory] - An integer representing the ICMP type
        • code [mandatory] - An integer representing the ICMP code

Example minimal request body

    "snapshot": "$last",
    "parameters": {
    "group": "",
    "groupBy": "siteName",
    "pathLookupType": "multicast",
    "securedPath": true,
    "source": "",
    "type": "pathLookup",
    "firstHopAlgorithm": {
    "type": "automatic"
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "enableRegions": false,
    "srcRegions": ".*",
    "dstRegions": ".*",
    "ttl": 128,
    "fragmentOffset": 0,
    "otherOptions": {
    "applications": ".*",
    "tracked": false
    "l4Options": {
    "dstPorts": "80,443",
    "srcPorts": "1024-65535",
    "flags": []