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Retrieving Device Log File

This page describes how you can retrieve log files for a device from IP Fabric’s discovery to be consumed outside the platform.

Do this in two stages:

  1. Send a POST to /tables/inventory/devices with a request body like:

      "columns": ["hostname", "taskKey"],
      "snapshot": "$last"

    You can (and probably would) filter that list (for example, for a specific device with the hostname SWITCH01) by including a key:value pair:

    "filters": {
      "hostname": ["eq","SWITCH01"]

    This provides you with the task ID for the discovery of the device in question.

  2. Send a GET to /os/logs/task/XXXXXXXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXXXXXXX is the taskKey value returned in step 1 for the required network device. This returns the plain text of the log file for that device discovery.