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Roles allow users to perform actions on system resources (e.g., a user-management role with the team policy assigned allows users to view, add, update, or delete users, roles, policies, and LDAP configuration).

The Roles section (in Settings → Administration → Roles) allows you to create or modify roles.

ipf-checker Role

You may ignore the ipf-checker role, which is used by our internal diagnostics tool.

Add Role

  1. To add a new role, click + Add role:

    Add role button

  2. Set a role name, description, select policies, and click Save:

    Add role form

List of Roles

The Roles table lists all roles, including their details, and allows you to modify or delete them (except for the built-in admin and ipf-checker roles, which cannot be modified nor deleted).

Roles table

Edit Role

  1. To modify the details of a role, click the Edit icon next to it in the Roles table:

    Roles table - Edit icon

  2. Update the data in the Edit role form and click Save:

    Edit role form

Copy Role

  1. To copy a role, click the Copy icon next to it in the Roles table:

    Roles table - Copy icon

  2. Update the data in the Copy role form and click Save:

    Copy role form

Delete Role

  1. To delete a role, click the Delete icon next to it in the Roles table:

    Roles table - Delete icon

  2. To confirm the action, click Delete:

    Role will be removed dialog