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Update osadmin Password

  1. Connect to your IP Fabric appliance via SSH as the osadmin user.

  2. Run:

    sudo ipf-cli-config -t
  3. Select Yes to proceed:

    Do you want to change osadmin user password?


    Changing the osadmin password will affect:

    • CLI access
    • System Administration UI access
    • backup encryption

    Backups created before the password change will no longer be restorable!

  4. Enter the new osadmin password twice:

    Enter osadmin shell user password

    Repeat osadmin user password

    Password setup contains password complexity check; simple passwords are rejected.

    Password requirements are as follows:

    • The maximum password length is 256.
    • Single-character class passwords are not supported.
    • Two-character class must be at least 24 characters long.
    • The minimal length of the passphrase is 24 characters.
    • Three-character class must be at least 16 characters long.
    • Four-character class must be at least 12 characters long.
    • The passphrase must have at least five words.

    The character classes are:

    • digits
    • lower-case letters
    • upper-case letters
    • other characters

    There is also a special class for non-ASCII characters, which could not be classified but are assumed to be non-digits.

  5. Select Yes to reboot the system:

    Reboot system