LLRN 7.0.14
These are low-level release notes for IP Fabric release 7.0.14
. Please note, that this page contains very low-level information about the actual release, which can lead to false conclusions if you don’t have access to the tickets. On the other hand, it can provide valuable information, if you are looking for a particular detail. This release of IP Fabric contains a total of 9 issues.
Anything that we considered an incorrect behavior. Something that was not working as expected or turned out that did not meet customers’ demand.
– Highest – Cisco ASA not discovered - Detected error while parsing data in the initial streamNIM-18042
– Medium – ipf-system-upgrade: Ensure the version fetcher runs on bootNIM-18118
– Highest – fix/etc/environment
to not include theexport
– Highest – Upgrade button not available in case of using proxyNIM-18141
– Medium – Techsupport Generation fails when “General Environment Information” ends in exceptionNIM-18148
– High – New upgrade mechanism fails onos.makedirs('/tmp/ipf-upgrade')
– Highest – IPF 7.x upgraded all the way from 4.x has wrong rabbit consumer timeout and old rabbitmq.config fileNIM-18199
– Highest – IPv6 routing tables downloaded even with BGP threshold set to 1NIM-18205
– Highest – Disable/mask docker if extensions are not enabled