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BGP Route Collection Enhancements

Since release 7.2, IP Fabric provides a filtered BGP route collection mechanism across supported platforms. Network administrators can explicitly define which networks to collect, enabling focused BGP route analysis while optimizing system resources.

Supported Platforms

  • Cisco IOS / IOS-XE
  • Cisco IOS-XR
  • Cisco NX-OS
  • Juniper JunOS
  • Arista EOS

API endpoints for managing route collection settings are available at both snapshot and global levels.

Snapshot-Level Configuration

Control route collection settings for specific snapshots through the following endpoints:

List all existing route definitions

GET /snapshots/{snapshotId}/show-routes/

Create a new route definition

POST /snapshots/{snapshotId}/show-routes/

Retrieve configuration details for a specific route definition

GET /snapshots/{snapshotId}/show-routes/{showRouteId}

Remove a route definition from the snapshot

DELETE /snapshots/{snapshotId}/show-routes/{showRouteId}

Global Settings

Manage organization-wide route collection configurations via these endpoints:

Retrieve all global route definitions

GET /settings/show-routes

Create a new global route definition

POST /settings/show-routes

Access configuration details for a specific global route definition

GET /settings/show-routes/{id}

Remove a global route definition

DELETE /settings/show-routes/{id}