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Generate and Download Techsupport File via API

To generate and download a techsupport file via the API, follow these steps:

  1. Send a POST request to /os/techsupport. The request body specifies what to include in the techsupport file. In the example below, the default options from the GUI (system and service logs, usage data, and a specific snapshot SNAPSHOT_ID with its database records) are shown.

      "databases": false,
      "discoveryServicesLogs": true,
      "snapshot": {
        "backupDb": true,
        "id": "SNAPSHOT_ID",
        "removeCli": false
      "systemLogs": true,
      "usageData": true
  2. Obtain the list of jobs by sending a POST request to /tables/jobs. It is necessary to include an array that specifies the desired columns.

      "columns": [

    While the techsupport file is being generated, there will be a job with running status:

      "data": [
          "downloadFile": null,
          "id": "YOUR_JOB_ID",
          "isDone": false,
          "status": "running"

    Once it is generated, the downloadFile key will have the file location as its value.

      "data": [
          "downloadFile": "/home/autoboss/files/techsupport-YOUR_JOB_ID.tar",
          "id": "YOUR_JOB_ID",
          "isDone": true,
          "status": "done"
  3. Download the techsupport file by sending a GET request to /jobs/YOUR_JOB_ID/download.