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IPF CLI Config automatically starts during the initial boot of the IP Fabric appliance and must be completed to proceed with the appliance’s deployment.

It introduces the configuration of basic network parameters, including:

  • IP Fabric’s IP address and subnet
  • DNS servers
  • proxy server

If some initial parameters need to be modified after completing the deployment, you may re-run IPF CLI Config with the following command (with one or more options) as osadmin:

sudo ipf-cli-config


To see more command options, log in to the CLI and run:

ipf-cli-config -h
osadmin@ipfabric:~# ipf-cli-config -h
IPF CLI Config.
Usage: /usr/local/bin/ipf-cli-config [-a] [-n] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-b] [-h]
    -a  configure all services (network, proxy, SSL cert., osadmin user)
    -n  network
    -p  proxy
    -s  SSL certificates (web)
    -t  osadmin troubleshooting user
    -b  used for start during boot
    -h  displays basic help

Run Full IPF CLI Config

To re-run the full IPF CLI Config as described in IPF CLI Config, use this command:

sudo ipf-cli-config -a