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This plugin allows the integration and data synchronization between IP Fabric and NetBox.

The plugin uses IP Fabric to collect network data utilizing the IP Fabric Python SDK. This plugin relies on helpful features in NetBox like Staged Changes and Background Tasks to make the job of bringing in data to NetBox easier.

  • Multiple IP Fabric Sources
  • Transform Maps
  • Scheduled Synchronization
  • Diff Visualization

NetBox Compatibility

These are the minimum NetBox versions for corresponding plugin version. Following minor versions should work too, but they are not tested.

Netbox Version Plugin Version
3.4 <=1.0.11
3.5 <=1.0.11
3.6 <=1.0.11
3.7 >=2.0.0
4.0 >=3.0.0
4.0.1 >=3.0.1
4.1.0 >=3.1.0
4.1.5 >=3.1.1
4.2.0 >=3.2.0


Integrations should be installed outside of the IP Fabric VM unless the IP Fabric team explicitly instructs otherwise.


Any action on the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the root, osadmin, or autoboss account may cause irreversible, detrimental changes to the product. Actions taken without direct communication with the IP Fabric Support or Solution Architect teams can render the system unusable.




Transform Maps

