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IP Fabric v6.2 (Hessian)

Upgrade Version Policy

We support the following upgrade paths:

  • The latest version in the previous major line → any version in the current major line (for example,
  • Any version in the current major line → any newer version in the current major line (for example,
  • The latest version in the current major line → any version in the next major line (for example,

Clearing Browser Cache

After upgrading IP Fabric to a newer version, you should see the Your application has been updated and must be refreshed dialog in the main GUI.

It is usually sufficient to just click the Refresh button.

However, in case of issues with the main GUI or if you did not see the mentioned dialog, please force refresh your browser cache.

The key combination for doing this depends on your operating system. In your browser window with your IP Fabric appliance’s URL open, use one of the following key combinations:

  • Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • macOS: Command + Shift + R
  • Linux: Ctrl + F5

This will only affect the browser cache for the IP Fabric appliance.

v6.2.2 (May 16th, 2023)

SHA256 (ipfabric-6-2-2+0.qcow2) = 45787c1039e3ca322477332fb96d9eb7b63d9bd0682870443066bd355510c242
MD5 (ipfabric-6-2-2+0.qcow2) = d3a7d7c0aed917bacc8c2f5aee33c41f
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-2-2+0.ova) = 1ba74e416cfdb777c7f36302911da8f9ad373bc4f167c7fca950f6c7d9d5a1c9
MD5 (ipfabric-6-2-2+0.ova) = fcaa6cde82b4abb41acd8e80c8503a5d
SHA256 (ipfabric-update-6-2-2+0.tar.gz.sig) = 464634d28b79565f38d983ec027e2a940a95c6368ea8cd8fd07535eaf4e578fa
MD5(ipfabric-update-6-2-2+0.tar.gz.sig) = ccfc9e25d347a00fc8bf085979380bf0

For the list of delivered tickets, please consult the Low-Level Release Notes for 6.2.2.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue with F5 where interface IP addresses were not correctly interpreted.
  • Resolved some FS parsing issues following initial support in 6.2.1.
  • Improved PBR representation and resolved an issue with set-vrf not correctly interpreted.

Network Discovery

  • Versa – Changed API endpoints for routing table collection. New endpoints support pagination and allow downloads of big routing tables (see our feature matrix for more details).
  • Check Point – refactoring of API discovery.

v6.2.1 (April 11th, 2023)

SHA256 (ipfabric-6-2-1+0.qcow2) = d0c32f66a29235b3c29d5d45c550dd8531634a071f03d82454f9ebe4f8b137a2
MD5 (ipfabric-6-2-1+0.qcow2) = 1b9d9e3792cdd143a594391694d2d040
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-2-1+0.ova) = e0f6fb103aa2e09500d1aebb05aa25d04981cc29c61ae788be6f3acaceed1964
MD5 (ipfabric-6-2-1+0.ova) = ecafc607eaa8277b63564f46574ec101
SHA256 (ipfabric-update-6_2_1+0.tar.gz.sig) = f255329e2cecab9f819feaafdf0f182d696029412b00bdd304606b888aa19964
MD5(ipfabric-update-6_2_1+0.tar.gz.sig) = cfe8cc8f05b4b3f8435612176d5d6e62

Backward Incompatible Changes

  • Tables for Cisco APIC (endpoint group contracts, applications, bridge domains and controllers) have siteName and hostname columns replaced by apiUrl string column.

Noticeable Changes

  • Limiting the number of the Discovery services restarts – only 1 restart per service is allowed (previously unlimited). Crashed service will impact the IP Fabric ability to finish running discovery or start a new one. Investigation of the cause of the restart is advised.

Network Discovery

  • Alcatel – Added support for basic network management (see our feature matrix for more details).
  • Cisco
    • FMC – Added support for HA Pairs in Zone Firewall.
    • FMC – Added support for EtherChannels in Zone Firewall.
    • Viptela
      • Lowered the maximum number of concurrent requests to a Viptela controller from 75 to 25 concurrent requests.
      • Improved re-authentication process for Viptela controller – this was causing destroyed client issues.
  • Forcepoint – NAT support was added (see our feature matrix for more details).
  • FS – Added limited support of basic discovery (see our feature matrix for more details).
  • PaloAlto
    • Panos – Added support for license (see our feature matrix for more details).
    • Prisma – Added support for management tasks (see our feature matrix for more details).

Underlying Operating System and 3rd-Party Packages

  • The dex package used for SSO has been upgraded from version 2.30.2 to the latest version 2.36.0, see their release notes.
  • Added several tools to simplify image management and troubleshooting. We are explicitly including the following – dnsutils, htop, ldap-utils, lftp, libcap2-bin, lsof, mtr-tiny, nano, net-tools, ncdu, screen, sntp, strace, tcpd, tcpdump, telnet, tmux, traceroute, vim, wget.

Upgrade Notices

  • Upgrade to 6.2 will break custom SSO integrations and will require a change to the /etc/ipf-dex.yaml file. Simply replace the vX.Y string in this file with v6.2 and then run systemctl restart ipf-dex.

      - id: ipfabric
          - ""

    For more information, please refer to the SSO documentation. If you would like assistance, please contact your Solution Architect.