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IP Fabric v6.3 (Camlet)

Upgrade Version Policy

We support the following upgrade paths:

  • The latest version in the previous major line → any version in the current major line (for example,
  • Any version in the current major line → any newer version in the current major line (for example,
  • The latest version in the current major line → any version in the next major line (for example,

Clearing Browser Cache

After upgrading IP Fabric to a newer version, you should see the Your application has been updated and must be refreshed dialog in the main GUI.

It is usually sufficient to just click the Refresh button.

However, in case of issues with the main GUI or if you did not see the mentioned dialog, please force refresh your browser cache.

The key combination for doing this depends on your operating system. In your browser window with your IP Fabric appliance’s URL open, use one of the following key combinations:

  • Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • macOS: Command + Shift + R
  • Linux: Ctrl + F5

This will only affect the browser cache for the IP Fabric appliance.

Upgrade Notices

  • During the update process locked snapshots will be unloaded together with other snapshots and their lock will be preserved. Therefore, such snapshots won’t be deleted by snapshot retention.
  • Upgrade to 6.3 will break custom SSO integrations and will require a change to the /etc/ipf-dex.yaml file. Simply replace the vX.Y string in this file with v6.3 and then run systemctl restart ipf-dex.

      - id: ipfabric
          - ""

    For more information, please refer to the SSO documentation. If you would like assistance, please contact your Solution Architect.

v6.3.2 (September 4th, 2023)

Not a GA

This release is available only to early adopters for testing purposes.

SHA256 (ipfabric-update-6-3-2+1.tar.gz.sig) = dae0f2be799ebfbccb53f6f65158ba66f3a419b3401ff21c7a6e5ead4725de19
MD5 (ipfabric-update-6-3-2+1.tar.gz.sig) = 7d82a812efa6b29d973bd6f4a903d31e
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-2+1.qcow2) = 3d9fc23a8a9c067ed08a155d38e81845544db3eb894ef122c41b559bff96a24a
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-2+1.qcow2) = c7b75bca231d180df541dde57c39f01b
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-2+1.ova) = 68cf6f3af1ae6ba37247947ce1fbdce8716198fe399903b66c92816e2cb24680
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-2+1.ova) = 85a8723cfa734aa58c6d0a9f23349809
  • A fix for SSO has been implemented to ensure that updating the redirectURIs in the /etc/ipf-dex.yaml configuration file is only required after a major version upgrade (i.e. For more information and an example, please see the SSO Static Clients documentation.

v6.3.1 (August 16th, 2023)

SHA256 (ipfabric-update-6-3-1+1.tar.gz.sig) = cc1e79afd9b28f648f362bb002308433faa4a727349036169c4569cd8ed143f4
MD5 (ipfabric-update-6-3-1+1.tar.gz.sig) = 6c48708a464841f0a65036e3f78dad24
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-1+1.qcow2) = e124b39d192fafc8e0ed2c5daab6e6ef70beaf18d581f2585243810c7362b96c
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-1+1.qcow2) = 167cf96f9d06057a9117d412a5b4861e
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-1+1.ova) = 32931352ce394d184c7f74d570b073dcabd529eff0bcbe30fb6a6f87b19afb5b
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-1+1.ova) = bacc07182c48474b943924283b01e334

Versioned API Error Responses

  • All version-related HTTP errors have aligned with documentation. Improperly set version in request will result in an error response with 410 Gone HTTP code and current product and API versions in its response body. Before it was returning 404 Not Found.


  • The number of devices processed by a single discovery worker is now configurable. Reach out to the support or solution architect team if adjustments are needed.

Fixed Known Issues

  • Editing OUI entries is broken in the UI (Settings → Discovery & Snapshots → Global Configuration → OUI). OUIs can be viewed, and all previous changes are kept. But OUIs cannot be added or changed at the moment.
    • ID: NIM-11931
    • Root cause: UI uses wrong API endpoint URLs after restructuring settings menu.
    • Workaround: Use API /settings/oui/* directly.
    • Affected version: 6.3.0
  • Custom policies with access to table endpoints don’t allow to export table as CSV
    • ID: NIM-11916
    • Root cause: Custom policies could grant access only to POST HTTP method on table endpoints while export uses GET method
    • Workaround: Use admin access to export tables
    • Affected version: 6.3.0
  • CSV exports blank file when Intent Filter is applied (any filter with a color)
    • Root cause: CSV export does not support exporting reports (intent) information with the data causing the filter to return no data.
    • ID: NIM-12011
    • Workaround: Use IP Fabric API to download the filter data and convert to CSV
    • Affected versions: 6.3.0
  • Routing table parsing and validation may restart discovery workers and stop discovery
    • Root cause: Parsing and validation of large BGP routing tables can stuck discovery workers for more than allowed 1 minute. Discovery workers may be disconnected from the discovery process and restarted. If too many restarts of discovery workers are performed, discovery process will stop.
    • ID: NIM-11490
    • Workaround: Limit download of BGP routing to minimum.
    • Affected versions: 6.2.0 and later
  • Product stopped respecting system’s OpenSSL CA store
    • Root cause: product build doesn’t include a respective flag use-openssl-ca for runtime
    • ID: NIM-12047
    • Workaround (shown on nimpee-update):
      • log in to your machine as osadmin user via SSH
      • execute sudo su - and put in your password to get root privileges
      • put int systemctl edit nimpee-update which should open a unit file for nimpee-update in editor
      • add following line under [Service] settings, un-comment (remove # character) if needed
      • restart nimpeeUpdate service using systemctl restart nimpee-update
    • Affected versions: 6.3.0
  • Lowered maximum memory for discovery worker process (from 6GB to 4GB)
    • Root cause: product build doesn’t include a respective flag max-old-space-size for runtime
    • ID: NIM-12047
    • Workaround: no workaround
    • Affected versions: 6.3.0

v6.3.0 (July 31st, 2023)

SHA256 (ipfabric-update-6-3-0+4.tar.gz.sig) = a51ea5af4de03ce2765c92876e78b7c214391180dee8ad1bf3dfc719af6d7f5e
MD5 (ipfabric-update-6-3-0+4.tar.gz.sig) = 3c5b5ef71b91dd87d2005576ba80c9f2
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-0+4.qcow2) = 29d9f659c34134d51cffe957add19e3b2d23e7905fd44a08af12278b3b802934
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-0+4.qcow2) = 2be181483c56c1d4fe0544cea01dd267
SHA256 (ipfabric-6-3-0+4.ova) = 227e0851792dee75559f2e14f948bd7871b83ec7d47527bcc87fd842b729e5e0
MD5 (ipfabric-6-3-0+4.ova) = ccac181a8c17a3f82cd14a0cdfa49b6f

For the list of delivered tickets, please consult the Low-Level Release Notes for 6.3.0.

Backward-Incompatible Changes

  • API Tokens and Webhook Secrets become auto-generated and non-editable by a user. They are available to view only once after creation, and the user won’t be able to view or edit them any further. From now on, both tokens and secrets will always be 32 characters long and generated randomly. If API Token or Webhook secret values are lost, they should be recreated.
  • Column type of selectorLocalAddress and selectorRemoteAddress columns in IPsec tunnels table was changed to a string. We no longer allow ip filter operator with the given columns.
  • Legacy NAT tables have been replaced with NAT44 table (tables/security/nat44) in release 6.1. This release removes the remaining two legacy tables - tables/addressing/nat/rules and tables/addressing/nat/pools.

Important Changes

  • Vendor API Slug can only contain a-zA-Z0-9_-. Previously created configurations will be automatically modified by removing not-allowed characters from Slug according to the new validation rules.
  • SSO roleName can only contain a-zA-Z0-9_-. Previously created roles will be automatically modified by removing not-allowed characters from role name according to the new validation rules. Make sure specified roleName refers to the existing role in the system.
  • Limiting the number of the Discovery services restarts – from now on, it is possible to change the default number of discovery service restarts. This may help you if your full discovery never completes. To change this setting, please contact our customer support team.
  • You can use the Test Connection button to check the Vendor API connectivity settings. The connection is not tested automatically with each change, but only when you click the button. This lets you save the Vendor API settings even if the controller is unreachable from IP Fabric.

New Table Layout

In most sections with tables, we have switched to the new table layout (which also includes improved configuration of Intent Verification Rules and Advanced Filters).

Comparison of Old table and New table layouts

New Tables for Customers Using RBAC

The following new tables have been added to IP Fabric. If you are utilizing RBAC please verify and update your Policies to ensure your users can view them as well as using the Path Lookup autocomplete. If you need assistance, please contact your Solution Architect.

  • Technology Tables
    • POST /tables/serial-ports (Technology → Serial Ports)
    • POST /tables/routing/protocols/is-is/levels (Technology → Routing → IS-IS → Levels)
    • Tables under Technology → Routing → LISP
      • POST /tables/routing/protocols/lisp/ipv4-routes (Routes → IPv4)
      • POST /tables/routing/protocols/lisp/ipv6-routes (Routes → IPv6)
      • POST /tables/routing/protocols/lisp/ipv4-databases (Map Resolvers → IPv4)
      • POST /tables/routing/protocols/lisp/ipv6-databases (Map Resolvers → IPv6)
  • Path Lookup: These new endpoints will search the IP Fabric database and autocomplete the IP Address dropdown fields.
    • POST /tables/addressing/path-lookup-sources-unicast
    • POST /tables/addressing/path-lookup-sources-multicast

Network Discovery

  • Cisco
    • Viptela – added vBond Orchestrator discovery support.
    • Firepower – added support for Threat Defense NAT policies (NAT44).
    • Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA) – added support for Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP).
  • Juniper
  • Opengear
    • IM – added support of basic discovery (see our feature matrix for more details).
  • NSX-T – API rate limiting was added to NSX-T discovery.
  • Versa – refillRate can be changed in the database settings and Pagination Limit in the Vendor API controller settings.
  • IP Fabric
    • New Vendor API worker – we have added a new worker to IP Fabric that only handles Vendor API data. Before, worker@1 processed both Vendor API and CLI data. This change allows us to process up to 60 Vendor API devices simultaneously, instead of 20. You can contact our customer support team to adjust this default value if necessary.
    • Vendor API load-balancing – IP Fabric can now process devices from multiple Vendor API controllers simultaneously. This change should speed up the discovery process and reduce the load on the Vendor API controllers.

Re-organized Settings Menu Structure

To make the Settings menu more logical and intuitive, we have re-organized its items (including renaming some of them).

The following table shows how the items in the old menu map to those in the new menu:

Old location Location in 6.3
Authentication Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Device Credentials
Discovery Seed Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Discovery Seeds
Site Separation Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Site Separation
Advanced → Discovery Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Discovery
Advanced → Assurance Engine Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Assurance Engine
Advanced → Disabled Discovery Tasks Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Disabled Discovery Tasks
Advanced → Snapshots Discovery & Snapshots → Snapshot Retention
Advanced → SSH/Telnet Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Advanced CLI
Advanced → SSH/Telnet → Jumphost settings Discovery & Snapshots → Global Configuration → Jumphost
Advanced → Vendors API Discovery & Snapshots → Discovery Settings → Vendors API
Advanced → Configuration Management Configuration Management
Advanced → IP FABRIC Certificate System → IPF Certificates
Advanced → System System → Backup & Maintenance
Advanced → SNMP System → SNMP
User Management → Users Administration → Local Users
User Management → LDAP Administration → LDAP
User Management → Policies Administration → Policies
User Management → Roles Administration → Roles
Certificate Authorities System → Certificate Authorities
API Tokens Integration → API Tokens
Webhooks Integration → Webhooks
Device Attributes Discovery & Snapshots → Global Configuration → Device Attributes
OUI Discovery & Snapshots → Global Configuration → OUI
Configuration Wizard (unchanged)

Known Issues

  • Tasker does not follow restart stop limit
    • ID NIM-12058
    • Root cause: Tasker service does not follow limit of 3 restarts: If during the hybrid Vendor API discovery (APIC, FTD, Check Point, etc.) tasker process encounters an issue, it is restarted, and discovery is started anew. This can lead to infinite discovery and filling the system disk with logs.
    • Workaround: no workaround
    • Affected versions: 6.2.0