LLRN 7.2.5
These are low-level release notes for IP Fabric release 7.2.5
. Please note, that this page contains very low-level information about the actual release, which can lead to false conclusions if you don’t have access to the tickets. On the other hand, it can provide valuable information, if you are looking for a particular detail. This release of IP Fabric contains a total of 8 issues.
Epics are high-level features, that may consist of many tasks.
– Medium – Enhance intent-checks with device attributes [7.2]
Anything that we considered an incorrect behavior. Something that was not working as expected or turned out that did not meet customers’ demand.
– High – Generated CLI logs missing errored command and response “Received an error while executing a command”NIM-18429
– High – Docker socket unavailable is not properly handled on all extension endpointsNIM-18468
– Medium – Azure VirtualNetworkGateway - peering bugfixNIM-18489
– Medium – IPF 7.2.3 cannot be upgraded to 7.2.4 after ipf-cli-config -n is ran due to invalid hostnameNIM-18503
– Highest – Cisco APIC API - wrongly merged collected data -> no results
Task may be associated into Epics or Stories to form complex features.
– Medium – [improvement] When building of docker image fails, provide better feedback to the userNIM-18497
– Medium – Mask all sensitive data in CLI clients with the same value unless in development mode