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Intent Verification Rules

Edit Intent Verification Rule

Intent verification coloring rules can be fully customized. To do that, click the Pencil icon next to a rule in the Intent Verification Rules box above a technology table.

In our example, we will use the Port-Channel Members State rule above the Link Aggregation (LAG)/Portchannel/Etherchannel Member status table (in Technology → Port channels → Member status table).

Port-Channel Members State intent rule

Now we can check and change the predefined coloring rules:

Intent Rule Detail

Let’s change the coloring from amber to red for Aggregated interfaces with membership status '(S)', '(F)', or '(I)'.:

  1. Remove rules from the amber color. Click the amber color and then the Trash icon next to each rule (the Description can be also removed):
    Remove rules from color/state
  2. Click the red color.
  3. Set the Description to Aggregated interfaces with membership status '(S)', '(F)', or '(I)'.
  4. Use + Add rule to add each of these rules regarding the Member (Status) column:
    • Members (Status) contains (s)
    • Members (Status) contains (f)
    • Members (Status) contains (i)
    • Members (Status) contains (d)
    • Members (Status) contains (DOWN)
  5. Select logical Or because we want to mark a member red if any of the defined rules apply.
  6. Click Preview to see if the rule works.
  7. If it works as expected, click Update. Add rules in color/state

Create Intent Verification Rule

You can also add a new set of coloring rules.

For example, if you want to check the aggregation protocol used in the Link Aggregation (LAG)/Portchannel/Etherchannel Member status table:

  1. Go to Technology → Port channels → Member status table.
  2. Click ... in the top-right corner of the table and select Add intent verification rule:
    Add intent verification rule option
  3. Specify the Rule name, for example Protocol Check.
  4. Select Colorized column, it’s Protocol in our case.
  5. Leave Dashboard Widgets empty for now.
  6. Click the blue color.
  7. Create a rule “Protocol insensitive equal lacp”. Create intent verification rule
  8. Click the amber color.
  9. Create a rule “Protocol equal static”.
  10. Click Create.
    Create intent verification rule - remaining steps