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Techsupport data handling

A techsupport file uploaded to the server is stored there only temporarily. The file is eventually moved to a permanent location on Microsoft SharePoint. The server is only accessible to the IP Fabric Ops team, who facilitates the transfer to the permanent location. The file in the permanent location has configured strict RBAC rules allowing access to people at IP Fabric who need it for their work (such as support team, Network Automation Engineers etc.).

Video tutorial

A techsupport file from the IP Fabric appliance is one of many ways how you can share the discovered data with our support team and engineers. This quick tutorial demonstrates how to generate the file and share it with us. The techsupport file is encrypted. Only IP Fabric support staff is able to decrypt the data.

Generating Techsupport File

  1. In the IP Fabric GUI, go to Support → Generate Techsupport:

    Generate techsupport file

  2. Select data to be included in the techsupport file (when in doubt, keep the defaults):

    Configure what to include in techsupport file

Uploading Techsupport File


Please visit in your browser to upload the generated techsupport for the IP Fabric team. Depending on your location, you will be redirected to or (can be switched on the page). The username and password are provided by IP Fabric Support.

Upload techsupport file


If your IP Fabric appliance has direct internet access, you can upload the techsupport file directly from it using the following curl command:

curl --user username:password \
-T "/home/autoboss/files/techsupport-xxx.tar" \

Generated techsupport files are located in the /home/autoboss/files directory on the IP Fabric appliance.

In the command, you may change to The username and password are provided IP Fabric Support.

What Is Included in Techsupport File?

  1. System logs – Includes syslog, dmesg, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, ArangoDB and IP Fabric API service logs. Customer data are not included.

  2. Service logs – Includes IP Fabric discovery service logs without CLI. Included customer data are limited, only IP addresses which were used during discovery and serial numbers of devices are included.

  3. Current Snapshot – Includes the currently-selected snapshot.

    • Remove CLI logs from snapshot – Removes devices’ CLI logs from the currently-selected snapshot.
    • Database dump – Includes the database dump of the currently-selected snapshot.
  4. Complete database dump – Includes the database dump of all snapshots which are currently loaded in the memory.

  5. Database dump without devices data – Removes all collected data from devices. Dump contains only error and service tables.


Snapshot and database dumps don’t include any customer credentials (passwords, keys etc.)