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The Technology tables enable the analysis and correlation of network state information and parameters on the fly. Most of the tables display live snapshot data generated by graph algorithms without a pre-existing cache. The first load of a large table usually takes longer than subsequent loads; however, all tables were built to handle large capacities and complex queries, so the outcome is likely to be better than analyzing the output in external applications like Excel.

Network or Site View

Tables display data for the whole network by default. To only display data for a specific site, select “site” from the drop-down menu on the top left.

Table Filtering

Simple or advanced filters can be applied to each table. By default, filtering is available above each column, and accepted filtering values can be strings, numbers, IP addresses, networks, Boolean values, or select box values.

RegEx Simple Column Filter Examples

  • =~(cis|ari) – RegEx matches also cisco or arista values (not exact match).
  • =~^(cisco|arista)$ – RegEx matches cisco or arista values only (exact match).
  • =cisco – Matches only cisco values (exact match).
  • cis – Matches cis or cisco (prefix match).
  • =~^(?!cisco) – RegEx negative lookahead – matches all except values starting with cisco.

Some columns containing IP addresses (such as Login IP within Inventory → Devices) can be filtered by entering the IP/prefix length in CIDR notation. For example, will find addresses between and including and

Additional Operators for Routing Columns

Columns containing IPv4 prefixes (such as Route within Technology → Routing → Routes) have:

  • an additional operator “contains IP address” (API: ip, UI: IP:)


    IP: will match any prefix containing that IP address, such as or, but not

  • as well as a set of CIDR operators:
    • is strict supernet (API: gt, UI: >)
    • is supernet (API: gte, UI: >=)
    • is strict subnet (API: lt, UI: <)
    • is subnet (API: lte, UI: <=)
    • overlaps (API: sect, UI: @)
    • does not overlap (API: nsect, UI: !@)

Advanced Filters

Advanced filters can be used to construct arbitrarily complex expressions by combining nested filters and filter groups with any number of logical AND and OR operators between them. Advanced filters can be saved and recalled for each specific table. Filters are stored per table and are available to all users.

Table Exports

Table outputs can be exported into CSV format for further processing, and the text can be opened by any spreadsheet processor. In some cases, Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets convert strings from the CSV files into dates, but these can remain as exact values by renaming the content to string to force the spreadsheet to retain the original content.


It may take several seconds to prepare an export of large tables.


Each table contains built-in help in Table description under the ... menu (in the top-right corner of the table):

Table description.

Hover the mouse cursor over a column header for the column’s description:

On-hover tooltip

Column Visibility

Tables can be especially large to facilitate easier information correlation; however, not all columns need to always be visible.

Select Display settings under the ... menu and choose which columns to show or hide:

Display settings

Column Size

Use the Auto size toggle to either automatically size columns to fit their current content (when enabled) or let columns remember user-defined widths (when disabled):

Auto size

Persistent Table View

To improve usability, each table remembers the settings and filtering for each user.

To reset a table to its original state, select Restore table settings under the ... menu:

Restore table settings

Regular Expression Syntax

A regular expression may consist of literal characters and the following characters and sequences:

  • . – The dot matches any single character except line terminators. To include line terminators, use [\s\S] instead to simulate . with the DOTALL flag.
  • \d – Matches a single digit, equivalent to [0-9].
  • \s – Matches a single whitespace character.
  • \S – Matches a single non-whitespace character.
  • \b – Matches a word boundary. This match is zero-length.
  • \B – Negation of \b. The match is zero-length.
  • [xyz] – Set of characters. Matches any of the enclosed characters (here x, y, or z).
  • [^xyz] – Negated set of characters. Matches any other character than the enclosed ones (i.e., anything but x, y, or z in this case).
  • [x-z] – Range of characters. Matches any of the characters in the specified range (e.g., [0-9A-F] to match any character in 0123456789ABCDEF).
  • [^x-z] – Negated range of characters. Matches any other character than the ones specified in the range.
  • (xyz) – Defines and matches a pattern group. Also defines a capturing group.
  • (?:xyz) – Defines and matches a pattern group without capturing the match.
  • (xy|z) – Matches either xy or z.
  • ^ – Matches the beginning of the string (e.g., ^xyz).
  • $ – Matches the end of the string (e.g., xyz$).

To literally match one of the characters that have a special meaning in regular expressions (., *, ?, [, ], (, ), {, }, ^, $, and \), you may need to escape the character with a backslash, which typically requires escaping itself. The backslash of shorthand character classes like \d, \s, and \b counts as literal backslash. However, the backslash of JSON escape sequences like \t (tabulation), \r (carriage return), and \n (line feed) does not.

Literal Backlashes Require Different Amounts of Escaping Depending on the Context

  • \ in bind variables (Table view mode) in the web UI (automatically escaped to \\ unless the value is wrapped in double quotes and already escaped properly).
  • \\ in bind variables (JSON view mode) and queries in the web UI.
  • \\ in bind variables in arangosh.
  • \\\\ in queries in arangosh.
  • Double the amount compared to arangosh in shells that use backslashes for escaping (\\\\ in bind variables and \\\\\\\\ in queries).

Characters and sequences may optionally be repeated using the following quantifiers:

  • x? – Matches one or zero occurrences of x.
  • x* – Matches zero or more occurrences of x (greedy).
  • x+ – Matches one or more occurrences of x (greedy).
  • x*? – Matches zero or more occurrences of x (non-greedy).
  • x+? – Matches one or more occurrences of x (non-greedy).
  • x{y} – Matches exactly y occurrences of x.
  • x{y,z} – Matches between y and z occurrences of x.
  • x{y,} – Matches at least y occurrences of x.

Note that xyz+ matches xyzzz, but if you want to match xyzxyz instead, you need to define a pattern group by wrapping the sub-expression in parentheses and place the quantifier right behind it, like (xyz)+.

You can use 3rd-party services, like regex101, to fine-tune and troubleshoot your regular expressions.

Share URL options for tables

To point to a particular dataset, the link may include a snapshot ID that IP Fabric will switch to after opening.

Also, you can generate the link in two forms:

  1. A short form, like https://<IPF_IP_or_FQDN>/inventory/devices?copyId=916264918z, is useful for sharing.
  2. A long URL that contains the filter definition in JSON format: https://<IPF_IP_or_FQDN>/inventory/devices?options=%7B"filters"%3A%7B"and"%3A%5B%7B"hostname"%3A%5B"like"%2C"L7"%5D%7D%2C%7B"or"%3A%5B%7B"vendor"%3A%5B"eq"%2C"cisco"%5D%7D%2C%7B"vendor"%3A%5B"eq"%2C"fortinet"%5D%7D%5D%7D%5D%7D%7D.
    • These URLs can be used, for example, to generate templates for your automations. You can prepare the structure of a filter using the Advanced Filter GUI, then replace values with variables in your automation scripts.