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How To Troubleshoot LDAP

Users Cannot Log In

The ldapsearch is the best tool to troubleshoot LDAP issues. Sometimes, groups or users are not found, and LDAP needs to be troubleshot.

To troubleshoot user login or missing group issues, use the following command with similar fields:

LDAPTLS_REQCERT=ALLOW ldapsearch -W -H "ldap(s)://ldap-server:port" -D "Service account AD path" -b "Base directory path" -s sub sAMAccountName="Username of the user who wants to log in"


This command will prompt you to enter the service account password.

The output of this command could be extensive. It shows the information about the user and the groups they are part of and checks if they match the group settings in IP Fabric.

If the user is not part of any required group, you can try to use the next command, which will search in nested groups.

To troubleshoot nested groups, use the following command to list the groups of a specific user:

LDAPTLS_REQCERT=ALLOW ldapsearch -W -H "ldap(s)://ldap-server:port" -D "Service account AD path" -b "Base directory path" -s sub member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:="Username of the user that wants to log in"

LDAPS Troubleshooting

If you want to use LDAPS, these criteria need to be met:

  1. The domain name/CN/SAN/hostname of the LDAP server needs to be specified as ldaps://address; an IP address cannot be present.

  2. The root/intermediate certificates by which the LDAPS certificate is signed needs to be uploaded/selected.

To verify the name/CN/SAN of the LDAP server and the root/intermediate certificates by which is the LDAPS certificate signed, use the following command:

openssl s_client -connect <ldaps server>:<ldaps port>

Issues With LDAPS After Upgrade to 5.0

OpenSSL in Debian 11 has significantly improved security, not trusting certificates signed with a 2048-bit (or lower) RSA key.

If you are getting an Unexpected Failure error for LDAP login attempts after upgrading to 5.0, there is most likely an issue with the certificate’s public key length.

Check the public key length with:

openssl s_client -connect <ldaps server>:<ldaps port>

If it was signed with a low RSA key size:

  1. Change the OpenSSL settings in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to:

    MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
    CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1

    (located at the end of the configuration file)

  2. Restart the machine.