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Settings → Administration contains the management of:

IP Fabric also supports Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. It uses Dex (a federated OpenID Connect provider) and requires the configuration of the Dex service to access third-party OpenID providers. This is not yet included in the UI.

For more information, follow Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentication.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

IP Fabric uses Role-Based Access Control to manage users’ access to particular resources as well as allow certain actions on those resources.

The foundation for RBAC is a list of resources (e.g., Reports, Discovery) and actions on those resources (e.g., Read, Execute).

Those resources are then assigned to Policies, which are sets of resources with their actions (e.g., a discovery policy allows access to discovery API endpoints).

Policies are, in turn, assignable to Roles to enable users assigned to particular roles to perform actions on system resources (e.g., a user-management role with an assigned team policy enables users to view, add, update, and delete Users, Roles, Policies, LDAP Configuration).